Playable Test : 10 December 2021 (Edited)

just for testing . . .

Major Change :
- There are no abilities, and it's change to Active Runes. it's similar with abilities, but it's change the basic attack (combo basic attack)
- We change limit Runes from 5 limit to 5 limit with 2 Active Rune (Melee and Range) and 3 Passive Rune (Power, Magic, Life)
- we remove Death Penalty, because it's ruining the exploring, and it become to much and hard grinding
- we recheduling our time schedule, we need more managing our time from studies and developing this game

Leason Learn :
- Umar Abdul Muntaqin (Game Designer) : I have to adapt my idea to our time limitations and capability of that idea to be done before January, so i cut some scope but it's not ruining the game, and i focusing polishing the quality, not quantity

- Hendarto Kennely (Game Producer) : I learned more about my and other roles in the game industry after working this project that laster for about 5 months.

- Nuh Mahardhika Matien Siam (2D Game Artist) : Lesson learned :
1. kelalaian dalam memperhatikan manajemen waktu dengan benar menjadi permasalahan yg semakin besar semakin jauh kedalam proyek
2. Kurangnya pengetahuan/kemampuan teknikal game programming yang mana saya rasa cukup penting untuk bisa berkomunikasi/ membantu game proggramer dalam pipeline penerapan asset 2D

- Ari Husna Lutfika (2D Game Artist) : Harusnya saya bisa memperkirakan kemampuan sendiri dan saya merasa kurang cocok dengan 2d artist, harusnya saya mengkomunikasikan dengan tim lebih dini, sehingga tidak terlalu merepotkan tim

- Muhammad Yashlan Iskandar (Programmer) : I get and learn a lot of new scripts that I have never made before, this will be useful for the future. and I also learned How to contribute with other roles, and contribute to version control with github.

- Daniel Mick Bachtera (Game Tester):
1. testcase jangan terlalu detail karena pusing sendiri.
2. Tes tiap mekanik satu persatu dahulu, sebelum tes dengan interaksi mekanik lain.

- Obbie Prasetyo (Programmer) : saya sudah mendapatkan banyak ilmu baru dalam mengimplementasikan Source Code, Penggunaan Tools pada Unity 3D, maupun Github. Juga mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam penelitian tentang game market

- Sofyan Zainul Muttaqin (Product Management) : Banyak yang saya pelajari selama mengikuti studi independen di Agate ini yaitu mulai dari analisis kompetitor untuk mengetahui insight para kompetitor, market sizing untuk mengetahui perkiraan tentang sebesar apa pasar yang akan disasar, observasi user untuk mengetahui feedback dari user, dan juga pembuatan pitch document.

- Gavin Bagus (2D Artist) : dalam studi independen ini, saya belajar untuk membagi waktu dengan efektif agar bisa memenuhi demand sebagai artist. Selain itu, saya mendapat pengetahuan bagaimana memanage asset untuk sebuah game.

- Trivita (Programmer) : I learned a lot of new words and terms in games which I have never heard before because I haven't played a lot of indie games. And it broadens my knowledge regarding the works behind a small indie game, what it takes, how long a certain works are to be done and also learning how to be able to work remotely by using social media platforms as well as github


Feline Expeditions 0.0.2 44 MB
Dec 10, 2021

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